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I owe it to Moca to replace her old photos of when she was fat cat from this website.

Moca in March 2018

Moca at her heaviest was around 7kg. Here was what she looked like at 10 years old in March 2018.

Moca in July 2024

Moca now weighs around 5kg. Here is what she looks like at 16 years old in July 2024.

Moca used to have a very bad habit of stealing food from her mother and sister cats. Occasionally, she would also steal my dog’s food whenever she gets the opportunity to do so.

Her weight loss journey started after I made it impossible for her to steal food from my other cats and my dog with the help of microchip feeders.

Not many cats look better at the grand old age of 16. Age is nothing but a number for Moca who has been on a vegan cat food diet for 12 years at the time of this writing.